I am a medical doctor, and a Jungian analyst and psychotherapist.
I have been working with troubles of the mind, the soul, and the heart, for more than four decades now.
I have consulting rooms in
Kensington, London W8*
Ewhurst, Surrey GU6*
Availability (as of 01\01\25):-
Kensington = 0
Ewhurst = 1
Email address for contact
Re Covid19 virus:
I have resumed in-person work for the last 3+ years without any ill consequences.
Flexible mixtures of online and in-person work are the new normal.
I continue to minimise the risk of infection.
To find out more about my background, qualifications, trainings, experience and approach, select the PROFESSIONAL button below.
For active links to some of my professional papers, lectures, books, and podcasts, select the PUBLICATIONS button below.